Archive for July 8, 2007

Oh, The Waiting…

This morning I woke up with an overwhelming need to see HDDG (and a craving for glazed donuts). It seemed like forever waiting for 9 am to roll around-I’ve never seen him there before 9… I did chores around the house; laundry, closet organization, left-overs elimination from the fridge…Ugh.

But 9 finally arrived and I was out-the-door. I enjoyed the cool air this morning on my 2 block walk to DD and got to break-in my new LL Bean rain boots (so no puddle-dodging today!).

HDDG was there, in all his glory, looking mighty fine in a new uniform shirt that sets-off his handsome features. I could almost feel myself drooling (over the donuts, of course!!! 😉 ). Today I was in such a good mood and my shyness had dissipated slightly. I felt higher than a kite and I called him by name when I thanked him (remember he wears a name tag?). Now, this is not an uncommon practice for CoffeeGirl, and I pride myself on always calling someone by their name if I know what it is… but for some reason, until today I couldn’t bring myself to say his name aloud. I think I was afraid of my voice cracking or something silly like that. However, I got it out of my mouth, no problem, and when I said it he looked up at me and smiled. He also held my gaze slightly longer than necessary (perhaps he read “How to get a girl in 10 seconds“?). I could feel the color rising in my fair cheeks and I quickly turned to leave. He wished me good day and I threw back a “thanks, you too” over my shoulder as I went out the door…

The name trick seemed to unleash some reaction. Now I wonder, why did I wait so long…?

July 8, 2007 at 12:44 pm 7 comments

Understanding FMD

FMD= Finding Mr. Dunkin
HDDG= Hot Dunkin' Donuts Guy
DD= Dunkin' Donuts
DIL= Desert Island List
NG= New Guy
CG= CoffeeGirl
July 2007

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